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South Korea fired warning shots after North’s troops accidentally crossed border, Seoul says

South Korean forces fired warning shots on Sunday after North Korean troops accidentally crossed their shared border, Seoul’s military said, as tensions simmer on the Korean Peninsula following a series of tit-for-tat exchanges between the two sides. In a news briefing Tuesday, the South Korean military appeared to downplay the significance of the gunfire, saying the North Korean […]

Underscored Budget Travel Tips Lead

The 10 best budget travel tips that will help you travel more in 2024

Everyone can benefit from budget travel tips, affordable travel gifts and budget-friendly travel essentials. The joy of travel is heightened when you’re confident you’re not overspending and you’re securing great deals. Enjoying a luxurious vacation without draining your bank account is entirely feasible; it just requires a bit of creativity in your planning, saving and execution. Budget travel doesn’t entail […]

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Vigilante Hong Kong cabbies went undercover to ensnare illegal Uber drivers. It backfired

They hire their Uber through the app just like any other passenger, and hop in the back of the car. But halfway through the ride, the mood changes and they reveal their identity. “Pull over here. It’s you. You are in trouble for driving an Uber,” the passenger tells his driver, during one of a […]