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Solar eclipse promises to be best yet for scientific experiments

[ad_1] April’s total solar eclipse promises to be a scientific bonanza, thanks to new spacecraft and telescopes — and cosmic chance. The moon will be extra close to Earth, providing a long and intense period of darkness, and the sun should be more active with the potential for dramatic bursts of plasma. Then there’s totality’s densely populated […]


Exploring the Outer Planets of the Solar System

[ad_1] Beyond the asteroid belt lies a realm vastly different from the rocky inner planets we call our home planet. Among the four planets known as the four outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, are colossal gas giants with distinct characteristics and features that continue to captivate our imagination. Composed primarily of hydrogen and […]


Local Zoning Rules On Wind And Solar Are Spreading: Study

[ad_1] In Washington, D.C., federal lawmakers from both parties are debating ways to make it easier to build wind turbines, solar panels and transmission lines at a fast enough clip to meet growing demand, reverse the nationwide trend toward worse blackouts and offer a serious enough alternative to fossil fuels to bend the curve on […]