Nova explosion will be visible to naked eye in rare stargazing event

A rare cosmic eruption is expected to occur in the Milky Way in the coming months — an outburst so bright that a “new” star will seemingly appear for a short time in the night sky. The event, known as a nova, will be a once-in-a-lifetime skywatching opportunity for those in the Northern Hemisphere, according… Continue reading Nova explosion will be visible to naked eye in rare stargazing event

What Exactly Is the Eye of the Sahara, aka the Richat Structure?

The formation’s concentric rings are primarily composed of sedimentary rocks, including sandstone and limestone. The outer ring of the structure is composed of harder, more resistant rock layers, while the innermost depressions consist of softer rock layers that have eroded more rapidly over time. These sedimentary layers offer a glimpse into the Earth’s past, recording… Continue reading What Exactly Is the Eye of the Sahara, aka the Richat Structure?

3D eye scans at opticians could identify those at risk of Parkinson’s, study finds | Medical research

3D eye scans widely used in high street opticians could help to identify people at high risk of developing Parkinson’s disease up to seven years before they have symptoms, data has suggested. The finding added to growing evidence that the use of eye scan data could help to detect neurodegenerative diseases and followed recent studies… Continue reading 3D eye scans at opticians could identify those at risk of Parkinson’s, study finds | Medical research

Uncovering the Secrets of Tigers Eye Meaning and Healing Properties

Now that we’ve explored the fascinating properties and healing benefits of Tiger’s Eye, let’s discover how to incorporate this captivating gemstone into our daily lives. From stunning jewelry to mindfulness practices, there are countless ways to harness the energy of Tiger’s Eye for maximum benefits. Jewelry is a great way to enjoy the beauty of… Continue reading Uncovering the Secrets of Tigers Eye Meaning and Healing Properties

Using stem cells, doctors restore vision to people blinded in one eye

It was the Fourth of July in 2020 when Nick Kharufeh’s life changed. Just 23 at the time, he was at a family party when an errant firework struck his left eye.  It wasn’t painful, but he couldn’t see out of it. It was so dark outside that his dad couldn’t tell how bad the… Continue reading Using stem cells, doctors restore vision to people blinded in one eye