The Guardian view on the Princess of Wales: she has the right to heal privately | Editorial

A cancer diagnosis is shocking for anyone, but particularly for younger people, in whom cancer is much rarer. In the UK, adults aged 25 to 49 account for 9% of new cases. For people with dependent children, this dreadful news can be even harder to manage; sometimes the person most upset by bad news is… Continue reading The Guardian view on the Princess of Wales: she has the right to heal privately | Editorial

Covid vaccines should be available to buy privately in UK, scientists say | Coronavirus

Covid vaccines should be made available for people to buy privately in Britain, leading scientists have urged, amid concerns over a new wave of the virus which could worsen in autumn and winter. Unlike flu jabs, which individuals or employers can buy for about £15 from high street pharmacies, Covid jabs are only available on… Continue reading Covid vaccines should be available to buy privately in UK, scientists say | Coronavirus

Obama privately told Biden he would do whatever it takes to help in 2024

WASHINGTON — During a trip to the White House in June, former President Barack Obama made it clear to his former running mate that he was committed to doing whatever it takes to support his re-election, three sources familiar with the meeting confirmed to NBC News. As part of a visit that included a private… Continue reading Obama privately told Biden he would do whatever it takes to help in 2024