Revealed: WHO aspartame safety panel linked to alleged Coca-Cola front group | Coca-Cola

In May, the World Health Organization issued an alarming report that declared widely used non-sugar sweeteners like aspartame are likely ineffective for weight loss, and long term consumption may increase the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and mortality in adults. A few months later, WHO declared aspartame, a key ingredient in Diet Coke, to be… Continue reading Revealed: WHO aspartame safety panel linked to alleged Coca-Cola front group | Coca-Cola

Revealed: walking just 4,000 steps a day can reduce risk of dying | Health

Walking just 4,000 steps a day may reduce your risk of dying from any cause, the largest analysis to date suggests – although the more you walk, the greater the health benefits. The idea that a sedentary lifestyle is linked to poorer health is now well-established, yet, until now, it has been unclear what the… Continue reading Revealed: walking just 4,000 steps a day can reduce risk of dying | Health

Revealed: how hidden delays blight cancer care in England and Wales | NHS

Patients with suspected cancer are waiting months for diagnosis because of hidden waiting lists or falling into a “black hole” after referral, England’s patient champion warns this weekend. Admin errors, unexplained cancellations and delayed scan reports are among factors contributing to longer waits, according to Healthwatch England, a committee of the Care Quality Commission. A… Continue reading Revealed: how hidden delays blight cancer care in England and Wales | NHS