The Largest Star in the Universe Is 1,700x Bigger Than Our Sun

Scientists use a variety of sophisticated methods to measure the size of a star, blending the art of observation with the precision of modern science. This process involves collecting data from telescopes equipped to peer deeply into the cosmos, beyond the dust and gas that scatter throughout the Milky Way. Light One primary technique used… Continue reading The Largest Star in the Universe Is 1,700x Bigger Than Our Sun

Unlocking the Secrets of the Sun Tarot Card Meaning

When the Sun tarot card appears upright in a reading, it generally signifies joy, accomplishment, and embracing one’s true potential. In love readings, the Sun card symbolizes joy, contentment, and success in a relationship. If you are single, the card encourages you to embrace your inner light and let it shine, as your charisma and… Continue reading Unlocking the Secrets of the Sun Tarot Card Meaning

Zoo in China denies sun bears are humans in costume

HONG KONG — A zoo in eastern China has denied suggestions that its bears are in fact people dressed in costumes, after a video of one standing like a human went viral on social media. Footage of the Malayan sun bear standing on its hind legs sparked speculation on the Chinese internet over the weekend,… Continue reading Zoo in China denies sun bears are humans in costume

Fad diets, midday sun and … coffee on the sofa: 12 doctors on the everyday dangers they avoid | Doctors

‘I once had to reattach someone’s arm that got caught in a bench saw’: Naveen Cavale, plastic surgeon I’d be surprised if you found a plastic surgeon who said they love chainsaws. That is something you won’t catch me doing. I deal with a lot of hand injury work – if you cut through a… Continue reading Fad diets, midday sun and … coffee on the sofa: 12 doctors on the everyday dangers they avoid | Doctors