Our secret superpower! 16 amazing facts about sweat, from armpit transplants to artificial BO | Health & wellbeing

It’s getting hot again – and that means sweat. With the possible exception of Prince Andrew, humans are constantly producing “insensible perspiration” – the baseline level of sweat – to some degree. Despite that, we know surprisingly little about it. According to Sarah Everts, the author of The Joy of Sweat, which explores the science,… Continue reading Our secret superpower! 16 amazing facts about sweat, from armpit transplants to artificial BO | Health & wellbeing

The psychological immune system: four ways to bolster yours – and have a happier, calmer life | Health & wellbeing

Our minds are more resilient than we know. According to a growing body of research, first popularised by psychologists Daniel Gilbert and Tim Wilson in the early 2000s, the brain has a remarkable capacity to make the best of bad events: when we encounter negative situations we subconsciously activate what is known as our psychological… Continue reading The psychological immune system: four ways to bolster yours – and have a happier, calmer life | Health & wellbeing